I Will Never Forgive

There’s a saying by Mahatma Gandhi that goes, “The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.” Gandhi, you were wise and inspirational and all that but… forget you! How can you call people unwilling to forgive others weak?! Sorry, I’m stepping out of line here but I think this saying is a little unwarranted. Forgive and forget. That’s usually how it goes. But it can be difficult for some people to do so, myself included. Sometimes I can forgive but I won’t forget. Then there’s those times where I just can’t bring myself to forgive. Today, I talk about one individual in particular: HR guy.

I’ll be referencing my time at my second place of employment a lot here. Because it was a living nightmare the entire time I worked there. And why was it a nightmare? The people, of course! There were a lot of things they did and said that were enough to make me want to commit homicide. For example, talking about my father! So how does leaving a little mess in the office have anything to do with my father?! I remember the HR guy crossing his arms and saying to my face, “Don’t let your actions reflect poorly on your father.” We had just known each other for less than a week. And he has the audacity to talk to a stranger about their parent! To me, he crossed a line. Punching him in the face wearing brass knuckles and stomping him on the head would’ve been better than what he deserved. That day, he revealed to me what a sorry, pathetic excuse of a pile of shit he was.

Then there was his abuse of authority. His constant need to intimidate every employee in the office. People were basically reluctant to take leave days, thanks to this motherfucker. I remember a story from a younger colleague where she was scheduled to take a leave day due to family matters. As luck would have it, a number of people would be gone on that particular day, including me. I was the first one to hand in my leave day form and she was the second. She also made sure to inform the others in the office that she would be away that day. But HR guy calls her to his office and rips into her, complaining so many people were taking leave days. They were within their rights! Then he was talking about how he also had to go to a parent-teacher conference that same day. I honestly don’t see how that concerns anyone else at the office. You see, this piece of shit fucks off whenever he pleases but makes a big deal whenever someone else wants to take a vacation day. He is by far the biggest workplace hypocrite I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting.

I suppose I took issue with him and his brother-in-law owner having us to come into the office during the early phases of the pandemic. Now, we were talking pre-testing and pre-vaccines. Everyone was essentially vulnerable. Sure, a majority of the employees lived within walking distance of the office. But then there were a select few who lived far away and had to rely on public transportation to commute to work. Didn’t matter, we were required to come to work as usual. I recall an incident where my colleague discovered that her boyfriend’s grandfather had been infected. I don’t know how the interactions but ultimately, she was forced to quarantine at home at the request of HR guy himself. After about a week, HR guy tears into her for not coming to work. Excuse me? You were the one who insisted on the quarantine and for your information, she has been working from home to the best of her abilities. On the other hand, you’re HR in name only. You possess no skills of an office worker whatsoever. The only reason you work here is because, well… the company owner fucked your sister! So for him to call out people for “not doing work”, it’s kind of ironic. In the meantime, the others are struggling to meet deadlines. As far as I’m concerned, he’s getting paid to do nothing.

All that being said, I was relieved when I handed in my resignation after six months with the company. While I told him I was leaving due to health concerns, deep down he was part of the reason. As I sat in the office listening to his “advice” about taking care of myself, I could only think, “I hope for my sake and yours that I never see you ever again.”

And I mean this because if I ever see him again, I don’t think I can guarantee his safety. I’m not talking about challenging him to a fist fight. It’s going to be on sight; it may probably even be an ambush if the opportunity presents itself. When it all comes down, it’s not about being fair or honorable. If I’m pissed enough, I’ll resort to whatever means necessary, even if most people consider it dirty. So if I could sucker-punch, curb-stomp, soccer-kick, or eye-gouge him, believe me when I say I’d be more than happy. I also wouldn’t rule the use of weapons. I used to like switchblades but lately, I’ve had a thing for boxcutters.

So in conclusion, I will never forgive HR guy for what he put me through during my six months working at my previous company. Sure, I can also place some of the blame on his brother-in-law but the guy’s not as big of a cunt (it’s a debatable point). But the things he did and said to me are beyond forgivable and given the chance, nothing would satisfy me more than to inflict pain upon him.


Starting Over, Time and Time Again


An Open Letter to Myself, Pt. IV